How can I temporarily disable an offer?

Maintenance, publisher or website temporarily unavailable

When you disable an offer, it's no longer visible in the catalogue for the advertisers. This means you can't receive any new orders while you're off, which avoids being asked for publication date during your absence, and being considered "late". 

You can then reactivate the offer with a simple click whenever you want. 

To disable an offer:

- from your account, go to Offers

- in the "In catalogue" tab, choose the offer you want to deactivate and click  on "Deactivate the offer"

UK -dea

To reactivate the offer, you just need to go in the "Off-catalogue" tab, choose the concerned offer and click on "Activate".

If you are unavailable for a period and want to temporarily deactivate all your offers with just one click, simply choose the "Holiday mode" from your Profile. Set the duration of your off period and your offers will automatically become visible in the catalog once the vacation period ends.