How do I use the backlinks tool?

To work on your netlinking strategy, you will no doubt need to know which are the best referring domains in your sector of activity. 

Our backlink checker allows you to identify the sites on which you already have a backlink (for a given domain name), as well as those on which other domains, your competitors for example, have a backlink. All you have to do is decide whether you want to buy backlinks where your competitors already have them!

All you have to do is enter the domain names (yours and your competitors' if you wish) and launch the advanced “backlinks” tool in our catalogue, which will display the sites on which you have a backlink, and those on which your competitors have one, using a colour code. 

- from the catalogue, fill in any criteria (price, country, etc) or leave the filters empty, then go to Advanced tools 👇

Capture d’écran 2024-05-29 à 16.25.48

- drop down the Backlinks section

Capture d’écran 2024-05-29 à 16.04.25

- choose whether you want to display the domains on which you are present, or only those on which your competitors are present but you are not.

- enter the domain name you are working on first, then those of the competitor(s) you want to check. 

- click Search to start the analysis.

- The blue dot indicates sites that already have a backlink to your domain name and the coloured dots indicate sites that have backlinks to the competitor domains you have entered.