The "Trusted Publisher" feature on the Getfluence marketplace is designed to facilitate collaborations by identifying the most reliable and responsive publishers. To obtain this status, a publisher must have completed a significant number of successful collaborations, respond quickly to proposals, and maintain a good publication rate. The badge is updated in real-time based on key actions by the publisher, such as new collaborations and response performance.
The badge is not visible on your account; it is only accessible to advertisers in the catalog. However, a publisher who follows best practices and maintains strong performance will automatically be considered for this status.
Being a "Trusted Publisher" offers benefits such as increased visibility to advertisers and enhanced credibility, thus making collaborations easier. The badge does not reflect a site’s SEO performance, only the reliability and collaboration quality on the platform.
In summary: to maximize your chances, it’s recommended to respond quickly, publish on time, and maintain a good response rate.